Investment Information

In the investment process we have seen that the investors should have knowledge about the investment alternative and the markets. He has to analyse the economy, industry and company. For all these, hemas adequate flow of information. The source of information varies with the type of information required.

International affairs: With increasing globalisation, international events affect the economy of the nation. Nations are economically and politically linked with each other. The economic crisis of one nation has a contagion effect on the other. The depreciation of the peso value in Mexico affects the trade in Asia. The South East Asian crisis has affected Asia, United States and Europe. Indian capital market reacted to the crisis and there was a fall in the sensex for a brief period. The policies of the IMF and World Bank also affect the volume of loan for the development purpose. Not only the economic events but political events and was also affect the stock market. Us air raids on Iraq affected the Indian economy and the capital market. Almost all the daily newspapers carry the international news. Some foreign journals like London economist, far East economic review and Indian magazines like Business World and Fortune India review the international events. International financial institution like IMF, World Bank and Asian development Bank publish their own survey reports periodically.

National affairs: The growth of the national economy and political events within the nation influence the investment decisions. The political events are provided by the newspapers, magazines like India Today, Outlook, Fortune India, The Week etc. The economic events and their implication on the security markets are analysed in Financial express, economic times and business line. RBI bulletin and annual reports give a wide range of information regarding macroeconomic indicators like GDP, GNP, inflation, agricultural and industrial production, capital market, development in the banking sectors and the balance of payment. Centre for monitoring Indian economy also publishes reports about the macroeconomic factors. The economic survey of India and reports of companies also provide information regarding the economy, industry and other sectors.

Industry information: Information about the industry is required to identify the industries that perform better than the national economy as a whole. Financial newspapers regularly bring out industry studies for the benefit of the investor's. Expert opinion about the industries are available in Business India, Business Today and Dalal Street. CMIE also publishes data regarding the industries. Bombay Stock exchange publishers the directory of information that contains industry and company information.

Company information: A source of company information must be developed to facilitate the company analysis. The BSE, NSE and OTCEI provide details about the listed companies in the websites. Almost all the financial journals carry out the company analysis and even suggest enter, exit and stay hints for the particular company stock. The annual reports of the companies and the unaudited quarterly and half yearly results also provide an insight into the performance of the company. Software companies also sell details regarding the financial performance of the companies in the floppies. 

Stock exchange directory comes in 18 volumes. It gives information about all listed public companies and major public sector corporations. Kothari economic and industry guide of India gives relevant financial information about the public limited companies. Times of India directory gives detailed information about many industrial groups and companies. 

Stock market information: All the financial dailies and investment related magazines published the stock market news. Separate news bulletins are issued by BSE, NSE and OTCEI providing information regarding the changes that take place in the stock market. SEBI newsletter gives the changes in the rules and regulations regarding the activities of the stock market. Reserve Bank of India bulletin also carries the information about the stock markets.

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