Units of the unit 1964 scheme
The most important mutual fund scheme in India, the unit scheme 1964 of the Unit Trust of India, has the following features:
a) it is an open ended scheme as it accepts funds from investors and also permits them to withdraw their investment on a continuing basis.
b) the units have a face value of rupees 10. The sale and purchase price of units are not squarely based on the net asset value per unit, as should be the case for a truly open ended scheme. Instead they are determined administratively in such a manner that they rise gradually over time.
The units of the unit 1964 scheme offer a convenient and attractive Avenue for investing short term funds for the following reasons:
a) There is a very active secondary market for units. For example, if the sale and repurchase prices fixed by the unit Trust of India are, say, ₹ 16.00 and ₹15.00, respectively, the units are traded activity in the secondary market around ₹15.60 with a spread of few paise between the buying and selling rates.
b) unit appreciate overtime in a fairly predictable manner as a Unit Trust of India makes a gradual upward revision in its selling and purchase price from July to June.
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